Wednesday 16 July 2014

Summer Plans

You, anonymous internet reader, may or may not have realised that I haven't posted any reviews of films from my college's library in the last few days. That'll be because I really rather stupidly didn't realise something about my college's library: not being able to access it when college is closed (i.e. in the summer holidays, now).

However! I do have something else to watch over the summer - that being my recently expanded collection of Doctor Who DVDs!

I've had season 1 and 2 since about January I think, and watched them all, but season 3 and 4 and the Specials I got after building a computer for my Dad with my brother (aren't we smart). I figured with this mini-project a few handy things:
- I got them all in Italian with Italian audio and Italian subtitles. There isn't much Italian I can absorb when I'm not at college so this is perfect and should keep my language-brain going over the time off. (unfortunately I won't be able to include quote in reviews)
- Doctor Who is still drama and acting so I can still write reviews of it - not sure if I'll do each episode or as seasons (probably the former) but there's still content I can create for UABP.
-I FREAKING LOVE DOCTOR WHO. If you don't know me personally you may not understand that but, ahem, it is something of a passion of mine.