
First things first, the email subscription is outdated. If you want to follow my blog, I regularly post links to posts on my Facebook page. If you 'like' it on Facebook that'd be very helpful for me, both in terms of knowing the size of my audience and spreading awareness for my work.

Here is a link to my Facebook page

My name is George Davies, I am a young adult from England, and that is not always my name.

First and foremost, I am an actor and I love the performing and dramatic arts. On this blogsite is an actual blog (as in a diary-like log) of my acting endeavours, which is all filed under the Acting Blog tab… though sometimes it strays into other matters if I'm excited about something - it's the actual 'blog' in this blog, maybe it should just be called 'personal blog' - nonetheless, the personal blog of an actor is an acting blog. I also write reviews of most of plays, TV shows and films that I've seen, filed under the Film/Theatre Reviews tab - as I'm applying to drama school next year, I want to have a large repertoire of drama, and a lot of these reviews are for Shakespeare films (97 by the time I finish).

I also enjoy writing (the occasional poem, short stories and longer serials, occasionally, I'm no novelist), all the creative writings published on this blogsite are filed under the Short Stories tab. Having an interest in politics, science, literature and, as of 2015, philosophy, all of my non-creative, or at least non-fiction, texts are filed under the Essays tab.

In terms of musical instruments I play the piano and ukulele well enough. I know how to play a guitar but do not play it. I know how to hold a violin and want to learn how to play it in my gap year. The UABP Youtube tab redirects to my Youtube channel, which mostly contains videos of me playing music and, of that, mostly piano. There's some other miscellaneous stuff there and I don't know why - it probably didn't even make sense making it at the time, the videos themselves certainly don't know why they're there either.

If you need persuasion that I am in any way weird, I suggest you read the first post on my blog, published in 2013 just before I started college - 'The Start of Under a Blue Pen - Again'.

As you can see, branching out in all of my arts excites me, and I try to do so as much as possible. What helps me an awful lot is if you share work of mine which you enjoy on your social media, especially the short stories. Enjoy :)

1 comment:

  1. It's possible to comment even if you don't have a blogger account by selecting 'Comment as: Name/URL' - so please do!
