Saturday 7 March 2020

Thoughts on Cats:

- Cats.
- Cats are affectionate creatures.
- All cat food smells bad.
- They have soft fur.
- It is supposed that the purr of a cat has quasi-mystical healing powers. I believe this actually comes from the inherently healing act of caring for another creature.
- Purring actually sounds like satisfaction, and is satisfying to hear.
- If you don’t get up for your alarm, your cat will come and find you. This isn’t just altruism, they do after all want you to succeed and make the most of your day, but also because they like to be fed first thing.
- Cats.
- Cats are affectionate creatures.
- The amount of time you spend away from a cat is directly proportional to the amount of affection they show you when you meet them again.
- Deep down, everybody wants to be welcomed home by someone who misses them.
- Cats.
- Look up “toe beans”.
- Two years ago my childhood cat died and I found out via a phone-call that winded me. I felt a species of grief.
- Cats.

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